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Yes, It IS Possible to Meet Healthy, Attractive, Emotionally Available Men On Dating Apps!

Real-Life Love Stories of Women Just Like You Who Have Found Love Online.

I see it all of the time in my work: Women saying that they’ve lost hope in love, and that online dating doesn’t work.

These women tell me that dating apps don't work, that online dating is full of liars, scammers, and emotionally unavailable men, and that the only way that there's any hope of finding good men these days is by meeting them "organically:" that is, in real life.

But pssst: here’s a secret: Did you know that 39% of couples who are together today actually met online?

That’s more couples meeting online than via ANY OTHER single way of meeting: More than meeting at a bar, through friends, or at work!

Which means that yep, it’s true: Dating apps ARE the number one most common way that modern couples meet!

But when I tell my clients this, they still feel a little bit skeptical about online dating.

And I get it: When you’ve personally felt victimised by online dating, a statistic can feel cold and impersonal. 

We might even think: “Okay, yeah, it’s great that these people found love, but I don’t really see how that can possibly apply to ME. Those women probably got lucky, or they were younger, or they lived in a city with better men, or they were really outgoing, and none of them probably struggled with what I’M struggling with!”

I feel you. It’s totally understandable how you might feel that way.

So today, instead of statistics, I come to you bearing STORIES.

Stories of real-life women who are just like you, and who found love online.

I gathered these stories by putting out a call for love stories on Facebook, and wow, did women deliver: I got over 100 responses!

The women in these stories are just like you: They were hopeful and hopeless, they were previously coupled and perpetually single, they live in both cities and in small towns, they’re tall, they’re short, they’re fat, they’re thin, and they’re all ages, races, income levels, and sexual orientations.

What the women in these stories all have in common is that they’re ordinary people, like you and like me, and they’ve all found love online.

These women have given me their consent to share their love stories (and their photos!) here, in the hope that by doing so, their photos will give YOU hope that for you, too, finding true love is possible online.

And so, without further ado, I present to you . . . 

The Love Stories

Please note: All of the stories, names, and photos in this article were printed with permission. I have chosen to remove the last names in the screenshots as an added layer of privacy and respect for the women who have chosen to share their stories with me.

So that's it! Those are the love stories. I hope they made you smile.

In compiling this article my hope is that these women’s stories have given you hope that it is indeed possible to find love online.

But here’s the thing: While it’s TOTALY possible to find your own love story online, you won’t find it if you hide yourself away and don’t date.

I KNOW that dating feels vulnerable, and that vulnerability feels really scary.

But the truth is that we can’t build meaningful relationships without some risk.

Avoiding dating, while it FEELS “safe,” isn’t actually as safe as we think it is if what our heart truly desires is partnership.

Avoiding dating, while it FEELS like it stops the pain in the moment, ultimately leads to MORE pain in the future: we stay lonely, we miss out on the special moments we could have shared with a partner, and, what’s more, we never give ourselves the opportunity to prove ourselves wrong and to connect with a partner with whom we feel even safer than we do on our own.

While our solitude FEELS safe, it also keeps us stuck: being alone carries no risk, but it also yields no reward.

So get out there and start dating!

These women weren’t particularly “special.” They were just ordinary women, like you and like me.

If they can do it, you can do it, too. 

And guess what? I’m looking forward to the day that you pass the love along and you send me your OWN love story to help other women to believe in love, too.


PS. If you need help getting started with online dating, I’m here for you!

I walk you through how to spot the sneaky red flags that are lurking in your Hinge queue and how to gain the CONFIDENCE to walk away from them inside of my FREE workshop, Confident & Clear Dating. Confident & Clear is my FREE workshop where I walk you through how to attract high quality matches, avoid hidden red flags and date with confidence — EVEN IF you hate dating and never want to use a dating app ever again. (I get it!)

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